About Us

EAGLEWINGS GLOBAL is ISO 9001:2015 certified company and managed by qualified team of industry experts; we are effectively meeting the demands of water treatment chemicals. The offered product range includes Reverse osmosis chemicals, Sewage & Effluent treatment chemicals, Boiler & Cooling tower chemicals. These successfully meet the application demands of Mineral water industry, Engineering industry, Leather industry, Printing & Packaging industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Paint industry, Rubber industry & Textile industry etc.., We have established certain benchmarks on which we test the quality of our chemicals, and only after satisfactory results, we dispatch our product range for customer's use. We have excellent infrastructure and capacious warehouse, which helps us in meeting timely supplies of bulk consignments, ordered by our clients. The unparalleled support that we have received from our team is also one of the most important reasons for our quality products. We also manufacture homecare cleaning and hygiene products for all usage occasions across multiple areas and surfaces offering assured eliminating bacteria and effective deep cleaning for your needs.

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Boiler Treatment Chemicals

Boiler water treatment is the process of managing water used for hot water heat exchange and steam generation in industrial and commercial steam and hot water heating systems. For boilers to remain in good condition the water needs to be treated with oxygen scavengers, alkalinity builders, and anti-scaling agents. Oxygen scavengers such as sulfite chemicals protect the boiler from destructive chemical reactions and reduce corrosion by passivating various metal surfaces which retards rust and other issues. To prevent further corrosion, pH levels need to remain high using alkalinity builders, commonly hydroxides, to minimize the amount of acid attack causing thinning or localized corrosion and silica deposition. Often anti-scaling or water softening agents like sodium phosphate or soda ash (sodium carbonate) are used in addition to alkalinity builders to prevent deposition of hardness salts in boiler water. Scaling can cause the boiler to become much less efficient and may eventually cause enough buildup on tubes and other surfaces resulting in possible rupture or overheating. Noah Chemicals provides chemicals used in boiler water treatment solutions.

Cooling Tower Treatment Chemicals

Cooling water treatment is the process of purifying water in industrial cooling towers. Chemicals used in this process are corrosion and scale inhibitors, algaecides, biocides, and pH adjusters to preserve cooling towers. Chemicals such as copper salts, inhibit algae and other biological growth. To preserve the equipment, bio carbonates are added to remove acidity and phosphates are used to reduce scaling. Noah Chemicals provides chemicals used in cooling water treatment solutions

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